Dead or alive, you are coming with me.” These are the last words heard by men too foolish to simply give themselves up when confronted by Tarzuk, a Bounty Hunter of Varkraal. All too often he has had to return a bounty as a corpse, which resulted in seeking less conspicuous company, easily found with the Black Thorn. His only condition for joining was that Kormag could join as well, and Okuvan was only too happy to agree.
32mm white metal miniature sculpted by Chris Jackson.
2 pieces: body, sword
25mm plastic base
Black Rose Bandits, Black Thorn Bandits
About DGS Games Miniatures
DGS Games produces high quality metal miniatures in 32mm scale. Their miniatures are sculpted with careful attention to detail. They are designed to be used in DGS Games’ Freeblades fantasy miniature skirmish rules that cover adventures in the fantasy world of Faelon. DGS Games models are also compatible with most 28mm and 32mm scale models and easily used with multiple game systems.
This product is not a toy, it is not recommended for children under the age of 12 and may be harmful if ingested. Product may contain small parts and sharp edges. Some cleaning and assembly may be required before painting.
Made in the U.S.A.
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