
Blood & Plunder Pack of 12 D10 Spanish Nationality Dice – Red with White – Your Source for Gaming Essentials Store

Original price was: $16.99.Current price is: $11.01.

DescriptionDesigned for use in the Blood & Plunder game created by Firelock Games. Blood & Plunder is a 28mm hi…




Designed for use in the Blood & Plunder game created by Firelock Games. Blood & Plunder is a 28mm historical miniatures war game set in the 17th century during the golden age of piracy. The game is played out on a tabletop using custom terrain and 28mm miniature figures and ships.

Blood & Plunder uses 10-sided dice to determine the outcome of many situations in the game. This product includes 12 D10 red with white paint dice. Nine sides of the dice are numbered 1 to 9 and the final side has a Cross of Burgundy symbol.

Spain! Land of romance and Inquisition! New Spain, New Granada, and Peru, along with the adjacent islands, make up Spain in the New World, what we today know collectively as the Spanish Main of fact and fiction, of romance and reality. It is a grand empire, more diverse and colorful than any of the other European nations in the Americas. In fact, most of European-settled Americas are controlled by Spain, giving the Iberian kingdom great wealth from the silver, gold, and goods found here. But the Spanish crown has squandered its American wealth, and the Spanish empire is in decline. It cannot afford to defend its New World colonies as well as it must. Ashore it relies on fortifications, Spanish regulars in the larger towns and some small outposts, and local militias often augmented by Native Americans. At sea, it relies on a small fleet known as the Armada de Barlovento, but it cannot be everywhere at once. Guardas Costas (privately commissioned coast guards) provide local sea patrols, and armadilloslocally armed vesselsare sent out on specific occasions, but both are often as piratical as the buccaneers they defend against. Spanish defenses are typically weak: only the great treasure fleets remain well-protected.


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