Designed for use in the Blood & Plunder game created by Firelock Games. Blood & Plunder is a 28mm historical miniatures war game set in the 17th century during the golden age of piracy. The game is played out on a tabletop using custom terrain and 28mm miniature figures and ships.
Blood & Plunder uses 10-sided dice to determine the outcome of many situations in the game. This product includes 12 D10 yellow with white paint dice, along with a pocket sized burlap sack to store your dice. Nine sides of the dice are numbered 1 to 9 and the final side has a Fleur-de-lis symbol.<
French sea rovers are the first to singe the Spanish beard in the New World and have no intention of letting up. Their adventurers show up on Tortuga, an island off the north coast of Hispaniola, early in the seventeenth century. French hunters of cattle and swine soon come to be known as boucaniers. They are quickly allied with French sea rovers, who are soon to be known as flibustiers. These allies begin with small forays against the Spanish, first using dugout canoes and piraguas, then larger vessels a bit later. Like the English, the French in the Caribbean and on Saint-Domingue have come to rely on the flibustiers and boucaniers for defense. Although France at times agrees to reign in its Caribbean sea rovers, seldom does it stop supporting their plundering, whether by outright commission or a wink of the eye.
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